And how do I know that? Because, like most people, I chased this concept for so long when I didn't know what it truly meant. I worked endlessly while living a lavish lifestyle, thinking I could save some on my way and that "it would eventually work out." The thing with becoming financially independent is not whether you want to be one. It's the continuous execution of a plan toward the goal you set for yourself while constantly working hard with patience and commitment to achieve it. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen by chance.

It starts with setting a goal and defining what financial independence means to you. What would it look like when you became one? How would you think about or spend your money if you were financially independent?

And how do I know that? Because, like most people, I chased this concept for so long when I didn't know what it truly meant. I worked endlessly while living a lavish lifestyle, thinking I could save some on my way and that "it would eventually work out." The thing with becoming financially independent is not whether you want to be one. It's the continuous execution of a plan toward the goal you set for yourself while constantly working hard with patience and commitment to achieve it. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen by chance.

It starts with setting a goal and defining what financial independence means to you. What would it look like when you became one? How would you think about or spend your money if you were financially independent?

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As you can see from my journey, things changed when I made the choice and took massive action. The challenge lies when people do the same thing repeatedly (even though it is not effective) and expect a different result.

To tell you the truth, it didn't come so easily. I had to fight the urge to conform and be comfortable. I went out, learned, and tried many different things. I developed a strong relationship with money, and now it's my turn to pay it forward to you.

Need a little boost to make the change you need?

Here is another treat just for you.

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Here's why it pays to work with a coach:

🟫 2X the savings rate of households that manage their own finances, for greater accumulated wealth over time (1)

🟫 1.5% faster portfolio growth than households that don’t use an investment advisor (2)

🟫 Almost 3X the assets of non-advised households, thanks to the savings habits instilled by your investment advisor (1)

1. Investment Funds Institute of Canada – IFIC, New Evidence on the Value of Financial Advice, Jon Cockerline

2. Ryan Rich, Colleen M. Jaconetti, Francis M. Kinniry Jr., Donald G. Bennyhoff, and Yan Zibering, 2015. Putting a value on your value: Quantifying Vanguard Advisor’s Alpha. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: The Vanguard Group, Inc., and according to a 2012 study by the Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations (CIRANO) – for households in the same situation.

Here's why it pays to work with a coach:

🟫 2X the savings rate of households that manage their own finances, for greater accumulated wealth over time (1)

🟫 1.5% faster portfolio growth than households that don’t use an investment advisor (2)

🟫 Almost 3X the assets of non-advised households, thanks to the savings habits instilled by your investment advisor (1)

1. Investment Funds Institute of Canada – IFIC, New Evidence on the Value of Financial Advice, Jon Cockerline

2. Ryan Rich, Colleen M. Jaconetti, Francis M. Kinniry Jr., Donald G. Bennyhoff, and Yan Zibering, 2015. Putting a value on your value: Quantifying Vanguard Advisor’s Alpha. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: The Vanguard Group, Inc., and according to a 2012 study by the Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations (CIRANO) – for households in the same situation.

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